Sunday, February 18, 2007


Aruba, Jamaica, ya know I wanna take ya.

I made some new socks for Mr. Cupcakes, and he is pleasing me to no end by wearing them often.

These were made with some lovely, manly yarn that my mom gave me for Christmas. I hit a minor snag when I seemed to be having an alarmingly small amount of yarn left after turning the heel. A closer look at the label revealed that this was a slightly heavier yarn than typical sock yarn, and therefore had fewer yards. Luckily, the awesome Borealis Yarns (you must click; cat in fair isle to be seen) in St. Paul has a superb selection of yarn and I found a gray that matched the pattern.

This pair of socks is special to me not only because they are for my darling domestic partner (we're notarized!) but because it was the first pair I made without a pattern. It's in my blood now, people. And that's lucky, because in just two and a half months, I set sail on a knitting cruise with some of my best gal pals! It sails up the Pacific coast at the end of April. Is it weird that I'm planning my outfits now? I am dreaming of wearing floaty skirts and handknit tops and beautiful espadrilles. Obviously, I need to re-read Babysitters On Board (Super Special #1) to become acquainted with the cruise lifestyle. This "familiarizing technique" stems from my 1989 repeated re-readings of Logan Likes Mary Anne! (#10) which had a detailed account of the first day of junior high. Despite the fantasy of warm palm trees and Kokomo-like breeziness, it will surely be 39 degrees and rainy and I'll have to huddle with a bath towel around me to stay warm.

I don't care. It's going to be my personal Love Boat. To celebrate my love of socks and sock knitters.

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Okay - so, you lost me at espadrilles . . . I will now admit in front of the whole world that I have never read a Babysitters Club book in my life . . . but you know, I am not too sure I am actually ashamed of that fact. ;-)

Wow! No pattern. I am green with envy. Those are some FINE socks!

What exactly does notarized mean in the same sentence with domestic partner - is that like common law?

YEAH . . . CRUISE!!!
Notarized just means we had to have a form formally notarized to share in benefits at my work. Now Mr. Cupcake's ID (to use the gym at my work) says DOM PART, which sounds like James Bond's sillier cousin to me.
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